
  1. theft
  2. robbery
  3. burglary
  4. pilfering
  5. steal
  6. blanket insurance
  7. Noun, Law larceny
  8. burglary insurance
  9. latrocinium
  10. latrociny
  11. thievery
  12. ladronism
identity theft Noun, Criminal Law
simple larceny
aggravated larceny Noun, Law
aggravated theft Noun, Law
petit larceny
murder attended by robbery
to case the joint Verb
larcenous action Noun
actio furti Noun
to rob Verb
to steal Verb
to commit theft Verb
burglary attempt
kleptomaniac Noun
animus furandi
theft clause
larcenous intent
theft prevention
theft risk
burglary (office) insurance Noun
burglary insurance Noun
theft insurance Noun
crimen furti
to commit a theft Verb
to plead poverty in extenuation of a theft Verb
attempt at thieving
attempted theft
attempt at theft
to lift Verb
to bone Verb
to gip Verb
to commit burglary Verb
to carry out a theft Verb
to swize Verb
to flag Verb
to commit buglary Verb
to thieve Verb
mercantile open-stock insurance Noun
merchantile open-stock insurance Noun
aggravated larceny
aggravated theft
bank burglary insurance Noun
to commit a burglary Verb
to break and enter a shop Verb
to commit a theft Verb
to break into something Verb
to hold someone on charge of theft Verb
to break and enter a shop Verb
residence burglary insurance Noun
residential theft coverage
full-coverage theft insurance Noun

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Başkasına âit ... işi, sirkat